Saturday, May 14, 2011

The joy of bubbles

This is my first attempt at creating a blog and it has already been quite a learning experience just setting it up. In reality, that is what I am hoping for-a learning experience. I would love to share ideas and information about books, programs, and children's librarianship.  "Books N' Bubbles" is the name of my blog, based on the chattering of a tiny toddler in the library.  Her mom had brought her to my storytime for children ages 12-23 months on several previous occasions. On this particular day, she was visiting the library with her dad, and became very animated and excited when she saw me at the children's desk. The dad explained that his daughter was so happy to see "The Bubble Lady", and so was he, since he had heard so much about me. Although I enjoyed being remembered, it did seem kind of ironic to me.  I spend so much time looking for the perfect books, fingerplays, flannelboard stories, and puppets for my programs and the one thing I'm remembered for is blowing bubbles at the end of the program. Well, at least I made an impression and the toddlers are happy to be here! I'll keep doing my thing and perhaps, eventually, she will love the books as much as the bubbles.

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